Just a quick update!
We’re settling down in Indy really well.  I’ve been an unpacking maniac, determined to get settled and see what the Lord has for us in this next season.
This summer I have two England trips.  I’m not sure what God has for me in England, but there’s something growing in the UK.  I’ve received several prophetic words (from other prophetic ones) concerning England, and I’m watching some of that unfold.  Our trip at the end of July is with our friends just outside of Oxford.  Nancy and I ministered at their all-church summer camp last summer and they’ve asked us back again.  I’m so thrilled to be with this community again.  Last summer there was a true move of God in our midst, and I have great anticipation for this next trip!
In September we’re traveling back to England again for two conferences.  One in Portsmouth, and one in Exeter, both with a prophetic training focus.

I’ve been in regular contact with our Middle Eastern friends.   The situation in Syria is getting more and more tragic and honestly very frightening.   The violence is coming right to our friends door.    We have been talking about making a trip to spend some time with the church in Damascus, doing some counseling and healing/discipleship work.  It’s still a desire of mine.  We’re in prayer about this, so I please ask you to join us.
At this point in time we’re still planning on having the women’s conference in Beirut this November.   These beautiful Arabic women are hungry for the Presence of the Lord, ready to fulfill their call as Daughters and warriors.   I believe the Lord is intending great impartations!
We’re looking forward to our plans to head to Egypt to begin a series of women’s conferences in 2013 if the Lord allows.   Much prayer is needed in the preparations for the work in Egypt.
The Ears to Hear prophetic course is being downloaded daily from all over the country.   How fun is that??
And the Lord has many more things He’s speaking to me about …   (I’ll fill you in with more detail in my next note!)
Our God is passionate about souls.  He’s passionate about conquering the heart of His children.
The Holy Spirit is confident of His work.
Remember ~ The akouo donations are still accepted on-line …  no change.  But if you mail your checks in, the address is now:
Akouo Missions, Inc.
2715 East 15th St. 
Tulsa, OK 74104
Love and blessings from Indy,