The Middle East conference in Beirut is just around the corner (March 6-9th). The excitement in the air surrounding our time there is palatable. The conference has exploded in growth this year. We’ve outgrown our normal accommodations (sensing a theme??) and have had to stretch out into nearby hotels. There are large groups of people coming from Syria, Jordan, Egypt and even some from Iraq, as well as the locals in Lebanon.
The border between Syria and Lebanon is currently open. Because of this, the people from Syria are flocking to this conference. They have been living in a war torn environment for a couple years now, and they are so very hungry for an encounter with the Lord. There are about 70 people coming from Syria alone and we’re overjoyed about this! There are thousands and thousands of refugees escaping Syria right now. But THIS group of passionate believers are determined to STAY in Syria to bring the light of Christ. They are clamoring to make it to this conference to meet with other believers and encounter our Lord. Then they will, by choice, re-enter Syria to bring the love of Christ to a violent and hurting nation.
They’re my hero’s… through and through.
There are new churches coming from Jordan, and Egypt as well. God is expanding relationships on every side. The team on the ground in Lebanon hosting this conference have sensed such a strong Presence of the Lord on this event, they are believing for and expecting incredibly large breakthrough in the whole region. Many of these churches are fasting and praying in these weeks heading up to the conference, as they see and feel the profound power of unity in their midst. These are exciting times.
Several people have asked how the fund raising is going for this event. We are doing fairly well, but we still have about 5 to 7,000 to go. The reason for the high cost of this conference is that we are paying for the travel expenses for all those who hunger to come but are unable to afford it. If you would like to help these passionate, precious brothers and sisters be able to come to the conference to receive the encouragement and infilling they are hungry for, please click here. We deeply appreciate all forms of help!
Love and blessings to all of you! The future is a happy place.
Chris Westhoff