We’re excited to go back to England again next month!  This time I’ll be bringing a team of six women (myself included) to minister in three different cities.  We’ll be putting on a Worship retreat for the women at Highway Church in Bicester (near Oxford), then heading over to do a conference at the IHOP in Exeter, then down to Chichester to speak at the Sunday morning service at Revelation Church.

God is moving in Mighty ways in England.  There are SO MANY prophetic words about the upcoming outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will begin in England, move up through the UK and Europe, then jump over to the States.  After being there this past September/October I truly believe they’re seeing the beginning movements of the Spirit of the Lord stirring the waters.

The Lord has spoken some things to Craig and I about this next season regarding England.  We feel a deep invitation from the Lord (and from our British friends 🙂 to join His work in this country.  We’re in prayer about what this will look like, but we DO know that it’s our hearts desire to make as many trips there as possible this next few years.