Hello my friends!
We have landed safe and sound in Indianapolis, getting settled in our new home. I find myself walking through the prophetic word of 2010, as if I’ve walked into a dream. It’s surreal! We have certainly been picked up and placed where the Lord wants us.
Transition isn’t easy, as we all know. Everywhere I turn people are in major, even dramatic, transition. Each transition has multiple purposes. The two most obvious ones are; personal transformation and Kingdom advancement. The Lord always seems to do both at the same time. It’s in these times of following Him through massive change that all false securities and weak identities are revealed and transformed. It’s in the midst of taking great leaps of faith that His rule and reign in our soul is tested and refined. And it’s in these moments that His manifested Love carries us through to the other side of our great chasms. He seems to make Himself beautifully visible available for His needy children!
I have repetatively seen a picture of a plant being pulled up from the ground by the hand of God. I see the long roots dangling in the air. It’s one of those plants that start in a small pot on your kitchen counter, but then when it grows to a certain size it needs to be replanted or it wont survive. The new soil is in the eternal. The Lord is rooting and anchoring our hearts, minds and emotions in the reality of Heaven. I beleive He’s doing this across the Body of Christ globally…. Throw a stone and you’ll hit someone who feels like their world is swirling in transition!
During prayer I hear Him whisper… “Motion…. motion….. motion…”
Update: We normally head to Greece and Macedonia in June. This year, because of our move to Indy, this trip wasn’t possible. I have desperately missed being with our Balkan friends! There’s so much stirring in Greece right now, my prayers are filled with petitions on their behalf.
On July 18th Nancy and I, along with my two sons, are heading to England again. We have two trips to England this year, and I couldn’t be happier about this. God is doing something in that tiny beautiful nation and we’re thrilled to be a small part of it. Next month we will be ministering at the Highway Christian Church summer camp. We ministered at this camp last summer and can’t wait to return again! These radical lovers of God take their whole families out to the country, sleep in tents, fellowship over camp fires, and worship the Lord with all their hearts in a barn!
Are you jealous? oh…. you should be!
Towards the end of September we’ll be heading back to England again. We have two churches we’ll be visiting during this trip. One in Exeter with a group of prophetic prayer warriors connected with 24/7 prayer. Another will be a conference in Portsmouth with our friends Peter and Marriette Stott. We hope to visit with Roger Ellis, 24/7 prayer and Revelation church while we’re there as well. I just met Roger during last weeks trip to Kansas City for a 24/7 leadership meeting, and he graciously invited us to spend some time with them while we’re in the UK.
In the beginning of November we’ll be hosting the Middle East women’s conference. Plans are brewing for this conference even as I speak! I honestly can’t wait to be with my Arabic friends again. This season feels so profoudnly significant in the Spirit. I’ve never quite felt such a polarization between what I see in the natural verses what I sense in the Spirit as I do now for the Middle East. I’m devastated by what’s happening in the natural. Yet in the Spirit I feel such great anticipation of revival. Come Lord Jesus…. come!
There are many more things brewing and beginning in our midst. 2013 may prove to be the busiest year yet with Akouo! I’ll fill you in on all that’s coming in future notes.
Well, I didn’t intend on writing so long today! If you’ve made it this far I give you great credit!
Love and blessing,