I’ve noticed time and time again that hearing God’s voice is incredibly difficult when I already have a strong opinion on the matter.
For example… if I’m asking the Lord if my son should take a missions trip, and I have fear within me screaming “no way in !@##$!” then hearing clearly from the Lord is insurmountably difficult. Oh sure, I could hear the words in my own head and decide that MUST be the voice of the Lord warning me to keep him home… but I know better.
Or…. if I’m invited to minister in some beautiful country that I’m longing to visit, and my heart is saying “heck yeah!” then guess what? Asking the Lord what He thinks will most certainly be a challenge. Yes, I could convince myself that the longing in my heart is from the Lord and He gives me the desires of my heart… but I know better.
The Lord took me through a season that I’ll never forget. He asked me to lay down my right to my own opinions…. ON EVERYTHING! I don’t know about you, but I seemed to be loaded to the brim with opinions.
I knew what He was doing. He was cleaning me out of things that were going to get in the way of my hearing. But man oh man it was difficult. 🙂
Yet, I have to say it was one of the most fruitful times of my life.
As I laid down my opinions, I began to sense and hear more of God’s thoughts, desires and viewpoints. It was absolutely transforming!
It wasn’t until this season that I realized just how important it was to have a soft, pliable, moldable will. It’s truly life or death in our journey of learning to abide in His Voice.
So our first step isn’t always to ask Him to speak.
Our first step is often to check our heart to see if it is open, free and ready to do what He wills.
Our hearing will open when our heart is easy to steer.
If our heart is pulled one way or the other, then our hearing will be conflicted.
So if you find yourself in a place of conflict. If the air around you feels cloudy, and God seems to be rather quiet…. check your heart, and let go.
Let go of what you think is right. Let go of how you think things should be, or what you think needs to happen.
Let go and dive into freedom! Let go of fear and insecurity. Let go of religious demands, rules and regulations. You can do it! Just peal those fingers one at a time from whatever you’re white knuckling, and force yourself to let go. Let go of revenge. Let go of anger, control, justification. Let go of martyrdom and your inner victim. Let go of your opinions of what other people should or shouldn’t be doing. Let go of your past, your future.
Let go of you.
Luke 22:41-42 And He withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and He knelt down and began to pray, saying “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.”