Hello my friends!

What a crazy season! Oh my goodness. Busy, yet wonderful.

The Inward Transformation class is wrapped up. I have to say that I thuroughly enjoyed teaching this class! Many of you have asked for the audio recording of this class. There were some technical difficulties that made the audio nearly impossible to hear. We’re trying to fix the problem… so I’ll let you know if and when they will be available.

We just finished our women’s retreat and it was absolutely glorious. Swimming in His Presence for hours upon hours…. what can ever top THAT?!

We leave for Beirut on the 21st, and I’m simply giddy with excitement to be with our Middle East friends again. I have to say that the Middle East is on the top of my “favorite places on the planet” list! The anticipation for this conference is growing more fervent every single day. The people in the Middle East are writing and telling me of what they’re sensing. They feel such momentum in the Spirit, such build up of His Glory and tremendous open heavens as the name of Christ is exalted…. they can hardly wait another day for this conference to arrive. Lord…. what are you up to??

I do ask you for your prayer cover. The swirl of spiritual activity over the Middle East is intense, as you can imagine. Syrians, Jordanians, Egyptians and Lebanese will all be with us. We have invitations on the table to other countries in the Middle East as well. As long as these doors are opening, we want to boldly charge forward with the Love of Christ as our banner. Intercession is the key. Please pray as the Holy Spirit leads. And if the Lord shares anything with you, please feel the freedom to write me, o.k.?

Other activity:
In April I have the priveledge of speaking at the regional Women’s Aglo retreat. I’m so looking forward to this!
In June we will be moving to Indianapolis. Grace grace to it, Lord. Because of the move, we wont be taking our Greece/Macedonia trip this year. I’m so sad about this, but it feels like the Lord’s plan. My heart is still with you, my Balkan friends!
In July we’re heading to England to minister at two different conferences – one in Exeter, and one outside of Oxford.

I’m so thankful for all of you… you simply have no idea. The support I feel from your presence, your faith, your encouragement, your emails, your prayers and your giving is beautifully overwhelming to me.

Thank you.

I pray you receive a hudnred fold in return,