This is my third entry about the Atmosphere of Heaven.  If you’ve missed the first two, you can click on the ‘prophetic journal’ tab and catch up.

As I stand there, amongst these thousands and thousands of people, I notice that we’re all the same height.  I don’t necessarily think this is a literal reality in Heaven.  It seemed to be something the Lord was showing me to make a point.  He said “Get ready for the great leveling”.  Then I saw a picture of thousands of Believers on Earth.  Some were very large, standing tall and important.  Others where very small and feeling insignificant.  There was this tangible knowing of people jockeying for position and power, stretching for significance in the church, enjoying the reputation of spiritual greatness and feeding on the approval of man.  Others were shrinking down, feeling the shame of spiritual failure, under the oppression of insignificance,  comparing themselves to others and always coming up short, etc.

None of this dwells in the atmosphere of Heaven.  The comparison was stark.

Standing amongst this throng of worshippers, the beautiful equality was astonishing.  No matter what ministry you had, or what gifting you functioned in…  No matter what miracles the Lord did through you, or what faith you did or didn’t have.   No matter what great things you accomplished for God, or what great nothings, failures, or deficiencies you think you’ve brought about..  In this atmosphere ALL WERE THE SAME.

We’re one.

All were equally in need of salvation, and all were completely astonished by the mercy and grace of our King.

All were rescued by the Lamb.  All were saved from the pit.  All….

It was beautiful.  A sea of equals.  Equally significant in the Love of their Father.

Equally adored by the eyes of God.  Equally valued by the Lamb Himself.

The great leveling of the Kingdom.

It was so glorious it caused His Beloved Bride to explode once again in a roar of worship.

Joyously broken, we were all shocked into awe inspired sobs,

shaking and trembling

in the GLORIOUS revelation of

Who He Is.