Arabic Women!
The day after my last email I sent a text message to my husband just saying “Breathrough!” Beginning on the second day of the conference there was tremendous breakthrough in the Holy Spirit. His Presence and His Glory was in our midst in overwhelming ways.
To give you a couple of highlights…
Some of the leaders (men) from the Syrian church as well as the leaders from the Lebanon church were here with us at the conference center. They didn’t join us in the conference, but they were here to serve and protect. On the second night of the conference we felt that the Lord was saying to bring in the men to speak blessings over the women. The men formed a tunnel, and as the women walked through the men spoke blessings upon blessings over them. They called out their identities, their callings, their value as women. We knew it was going to be powerful for these ladies, but I don’t think we had any clue just what was coming. Some of the women were delivered and set free from years of bondage in very dramatic way. Many came under the power of God so strongly they had to be nearly carried through. The sobs and the tears, the shaking and the Presence…. we were all staggered at this legendary event that was happening before our very eyes. The men were in tears as the power of God moved through them (in a nearly thunderous way) to lay hands and bless these women as they walked through….
As some of my teenage friends would say OMG.
Another stunning moment was yesterday. We had the women from the various countries all gather together. There was women in one area of the room that were from Egypt, in another area of the room from Jordan, another group from Syria and another group from Lebanon. It was one of those times where I wasn’t feeling anything whatsoever, and honestly would have enjoyed breaking for lunch. But gathering for prayer seemed like a logical idea. 🙂 Our team was going to surround each group and pray over the women in that nation. The minute we surrounded the first group the Holy Spirit landed in the room so suddenly and violently that it was fearful. As we prayed for each group the power of God was coming on them, the prophetic ministry was so powerful, and it felt like the room just erupted in His Glory.
And there’s so much more! But I’m leaving for the airport in 30-minutes and I’m not packed yet!
I’ll try to write more stories soon. I’m struggling for the words that would accurately describe what this time has been. The people here are convinced that this was not just a conference, but a historical shift for the women of these nations. They believe, (and I concur) that God is bringing revival in the Middle East through the women. We’re in awe that we got to be in the room.