Hello everyone! I don’t normally post things like this, but I felt that these special projects needed some extra hands on deck.

We are raising funds for two big events in the Middle East. With all that’s happening in that region at the moment, we feel that the time is NOW to do all we can to help our Arabic friends advance the Kingdom. We are speaking with them almost daily, praying with them and making plans. I wanted to let you know of at least two of the events we’re raising funds for right now:

The Middle East women’s conference is the first week in November…. including women from Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt. The Holy Spirit has been speaking to us about what He wants to accomplish in these women to prepare them for the days ahead.

We’re holding a youth camp in the mountains of Lebanon next summer. This next generation of Arabics have a call on their lives to bring dramatic change to the spiritual climate of their region!
I’ll write more another time, but for now I’d like to ask you to pray about helping us fund these two events. The cost is rather high, so we’re trying to get the word out! Will you join us in declaring the name of Christ across the Middle East in this day and hour?? THANK YOU SO SO VERY MUCH!! LETS AFFECT THE WORK TOGETHER!!! WHOO HOO!!

To donate, click here.